Shipping fee will depend on size (volume and weight) of the item as provided by Seller, delivery address and shipping method. Seller has the options to buy pre-paid shipping label through Reluxe or ship on their own.
When listing an item, if Seller selects prepaid label option and offers free shipping, the item’s listed price is shipping fee inclusive and its shipping fee will be deducted from Seller’s earning later.
If Seller selects prepaid label option for the item but do not offer free shipping, shipping fee will be added to the item’s listed price when Buyer purchases it. If Seller uses incorrect shipping labels or provide incorrect volume or weight data, shipping carrier may charge additional shipping fee. In such cases, we may remove the amount paid to the shipping carrier(s) on your behalf from your sale amount or account balance.
If Seller selects ship-on-your-own option for the item, Seller is responsible for buying shipping label on his or her own and the listed item price should have included this shipping fee.
By using pre-paid shipping label services, Buyer and Seller agree to the courier’s terms of service and cover policy, which can be found on the courier’s website. For example, for Australian shipments, Sendle provides free cover up to $100 for eligible parcels. Its claiming requirements can be found here.